💤 Currently
On sabbatical. Exploring platform shifts, sleeves up, and occasionally sharing thoughts.
🤝 Investing
Proud investor of the amazing people behind Apero, Proof Positive Partners, Folia, Ember, Dawn Health, and others. I'd love to hear about what you're working on.
🚀 Previously
  1. Founded Set Labs (decentralized asset management infrastructure, 16M+ raised).
  2. Engineering at Square, Caviar, Apple, Zynga. EECS from UC Berkeley.
🛠️ Projects
  1. ZKP2P - A decentralized, peer-to-peer file sharing application. I give a brief introduction into the zero knowledge space here
  2. Dutch - A decentralized, peer-to-peer file sharing application.
  3. Poker Payouts - A decentralized, peer-to-peer file sharing application.
© 2024 Alex Soong